Out with the Holidays, in with the New Year!
In the months leading up to the 2018 holiday season, we decided to host a holiday party here at the Puny Human Studio. Very soon after the idea was born it morphed into, “Let’s invite all the indie studios in the area!” This idea blossomed into one of the best holiday parties we’ve ever been to. *modest flex* Many of our friends from Mighty Rabbit, Limited Run, Elephant Mouse, Imangi, Drastic Games, Squanch and other indies from the area dropped by to celebrate with us.
It was such a great party that *ehem* SOME of us (me) completely spaced on taking photos during the actual event. I did, however, grab plenty of photos of the decorations I meticulously arranged in anticipation of said event.

Lucky for me, a few others did grab a few photos and were nice enough to send them my way to treasure. <3 (Potato quality to enhance the existence of a good time)
Imangi and Drastic Games left us tree presents!
We even dressed up for the party by getting a sign made for the office! (Better late than never, yeah?)

We spent the remainder of the holidays with our families and friends while bringing in the new year.

New year, new updates
With the holidays in our rear view it was time for us to give a little (a lot of) TLC to Galacide and Blade Symphony. After three years of keeping the engine updated, bug fixes and quality of life changes behind the scenes, we were beyond excited to announce the Galacide: Warp Ahead Update.
For the Blade Symphony patch, we’ll have to rewind back to November where we gave it a not so small update. ENTER THE HARMONIOUS PRELUDE UPDATE, which, to name a few things, came packed with new level progression, AN ENTIRELY new fighting style to help beginners better transition, a new tutorial, and an engine update. This update was a huge step forward for us and for Blade Symphony but with this release came a few challenges for us to overcome. Fast forward to present day, where we’ve just released a patch which fixes a number of issues introduced with the Harmonious Prelude update. The name of this patch isn’t quite as exciting as “Warp Ahead Update” but it has a nice ring to it, “Patch #6” You’ll have to say it out loud to really get the full effect, trust me.
Missed the updates? I’ve place them gingerly below for your clicking convenience.

Yo dawg, I heard you liked conventions!
Another exciting adventure we’ve embarked on will be attending more events to showcase our games and give ourselves more opportunities to meet people in the community. Being an indie studio, we certainly don’t have the luxury of attending events like PAX or E3 but there are plenty of local shows that have welcomed us with open arms. We recently attended Carolina Games Summit this month with our friends from Invisible Collective where we showcased Galacide and Blade Symphony alongside their game, Battlesloths. We met good people, had a lot of new folks play our games and even provided a few industry talks for the event!
Our very own Mike Sanders offered up a piece of his genius with his talk, “You’re not the smartest person in the room (Why humility builds great teams)”. Our industry pal Randy Greenback graced the expo with his talk “Breaking through the noise (Stacking Innovation)”.
Carolina Games Summit was extremely kind to us; they gave us plenty of space with room for people to come sit and play and the attendees of the convention were nothing but polite and welcoming. We’d be more than happy to come back next year if they’ll have us.
Here is a peek of our setup:

We’re looking forward to our next event at Playthrough so stay tuned for more information on that soon! As always please don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally either on twitter or our Discord @GlamazonianRage! In the meantime, enjoy all the games on your list!